This sample tutorial will demonstrate to you on how to change or convert the text
content of a text box control in VB6 on a special character like Asterisk(*) or any
special character you want to, this is method will commonly used on hiding the cha-
racter for confidential purposes, like user's Password for any computer's System,
there are two(2) ways on how to do it, the steps are shown below:,
1.) First way and without doing any codes, just go to Text box Property and find
Passwordchar at the Properties pane, then put a (*) on it or any character you
want like shown on the image below
2.) the second way on how to do that in a simple code is look like this
Text1.PasswordChar = "*"
for this code to take effect when you press (f5) or run you system just put it
on the Form_Load() event of a form, and it will look like at the image below
Hope this will Help.....................
Happy Coding ....................
The Hardest Thing to Do is to Do Nothing ^_^
content of a text box control in VB6 on a special character like Asterisk(*) or any
special character you want to, this is method will commonly used on hiding the cha-
racter for confidential purposes, like user's Password for any computer's System,
there are two(2) ways on how to do it, the steps are shown below:,
1.) First way and without doing any codes, just go to Text box Property and find
Passwordchar at the Properties pane, then put a (*) on it or any character you
want like shown on the image below
2.) the second way on how to do that in a simple code is look like this
Text1.PasswordChar = "*"
for this code to take effect when you press (f5) or run you system just put it
on the Form_Load() event of a form, and it will look like at the image below
Hope this will Help.....................
Happy Coding ....................
The Hardest Thing to Do is to Do Nothing ^_^

Vb6 Controls,
Visual Basic 6.0
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